Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2019, series 24, ~45 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Season 2, рік 2020, series 12, ~45 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Detective
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Oleh Maslennіkov
Screenwriter Oleksandra SmіlyansykaHala RubіnshteynMaksim ScherbakovHeorhіy Konn
Director of photography (DOP) Andrіy Shvecy
Production Designer Oleksandr Hrinyko
Sound Directors Dmitro Teryohіn
Film editor Olga Kovalchuk (II)
Сostume designer Marіya Bohatyko
Makeup artists Olyha Harc
Operator Serhіy Savicykiy Mihaylo SlavhorodsykiyAndrіy Shkіr
Casting director Vika Ilina
Producer Maksim KrivicykiyMaxim MovchanVadim Chervyakov
Creative Producers Serhіy KarpenkoDmytro Safanovskyi
Leading actors Erіk AbramovichSerhіy Derev'yankoZoryana MarchenkoPetro KrylovFedіr HurinecyNatalіya BabenkoVіktor SaraykіnOleh MaslennіkovAnna VasilyievaOleksandr PogharsykiyMarina Koshkina
Supporting Actors Vadym PavlenkoSerhіy DedyukAnastasіya BashaPavlo AldoshinOleksandr ValyukOleksandr RudenkoPavlo LevicykiyArtem BolohovMarіya RozhonyukІhor PortyankoRoman ViskrebencevDaria PetrozhytskaRoman LyahLeonіd ZaharchenkoYevhen SіnchukovOleh ZamyatіnVolodymyr BarabanovVadim LyalykoOleksandr Hrihor'ievMaksim HotilenkoSerhіy UmanecyDmytro OliinykVіtalіy ІvanchenkoVolodimir OsadchiyYurіy OdinokiyMaksim MaksimyukSerhіy KiyashkoDmitro VіvcharyukAlla BіnieievaDmitro ChernovMihaylo MatyuhіnValerіy AntonyukMaksim NіkіtіnІrina TamіmIgor IvanovAnastasіya LyutovaVіktor StepanenkoOlena HolubAlla MaslennіkovaTetyana VitsinaMaksym DevizorovOleg VoloschenkoDmitro TubolycevAndrii KlymenkovІhor HniezdіlovDaryna TrehubovaAnatolіy SomikGeorgy ZhukovKseniia KomkovaYevhen LunchenkoOleksandr SuvorovOleksandr LohіnovVolodimir BelyaievOleksandr RudykoOleh PrimohenovNatalіya RevaBohdan TriboyYevhen AfanasyievAnatolіy YaschenkoSerhіy BulіnLіlіya YacenkoYurіy LіzinhevichDarina NovіkovaІhor SalіmonovOlena KurtaOleksandr ShevchukTetyana LavrsykaOleksandr OnufrіievAndrіy LelyuhV'yacheslav HіndіnOstap StupkaRuslan SokolynikІrina RoghdestvensykaVadim KuzloPavlo KrughnovMihaylo KondratsykiyOleh HerasimenkoRoman MacyutaOlyha MaksimіshinaLі BerlіnsykaOleh KorkushkoOleksandr ArtemenkoOleksandr PіskunovKostyantin KorecykiyValerіy PasіchnikV'yacheslav VietkovsykiyAnastasia DemianenkoYehor SuvorovVarvara SafanovsykaValerіya ChaykovsykaLyubov TischenkoOleh ZahorodnіyYurіy RadіonovSergey DengaOleksandr FormanchukFatіma HorbenkoVasilina PalamarDaria SokoliukVіktorіya LevchenkoIhor AronovOleh HoculyakVolodimir NecheporenkoOleksandr AbramovichVolodimir LevicykiyV'yacheslav NіkolaienkoAlіsa TunkevichDar'ya BarіhashvіlіKostyantin OktyabrsykiyOleh MoskalenkoV'yacheslav DudkoSerhіy OzіryaniyViacheslav VasyliukSerhіy KorshikovІvan ShimonkoAlla MartinyukOleksandr BezverhiyOleksіy DzyubinsykiyOleh ShushpannіkovDmitro SoloveyRoman HudyashovOleh VlasovYevhen KazakevichYurіy LahutaAndrіy KronhlevsykiyYehor PcholkіnOleksandr BodnarMikita ParhomenkoTaras CimbalyukStanіslav LiesnoyMikita BalievMikita BrusnіcinOleksandr ZarubeiVolodymyr StepanenkoYevhen Oliinyk (II)Ruslan Ulitin
Casting Managers Oksana Shatrova
The brothers Maxim and Andriy Kireyev, despite their difficult relationship, have to work in one police department to understand the mysterious death of their joint father. Andriy is Kireyev's son from his first marriage, a reliable and experienced police captain who has hated his father for years because he left them with his mother. Maxim is Kireyev's second child, an infantile young boy who is enlisted in his brother's department to prove his involvement in the murder of his father and to gain access to the case.
The frivolous, accustomed to receiving everything and at once Maxim and the responsible, prudent Andrew will start an investigation that will reveal not only the secrets of the past to them, but also the unexpected truth – they have much more in common than they think.
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