Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2020, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel 2+2
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Denis Tarasov
Screenwriter Mark LimarenkoRuslan Nikulin
Director of photography (DOP) Eugene Kirey
Production Designer Volodimir Kovalychuk
Sound Directors Vladislav Zvierov
Film editor Denis Honcharov
Сostume designer Olyha Koghina
Makeup artists Hanna Harchenko
Operator Dmitro Popolіtov
Casting director Lyubava Surhanova
Producer Maksim Krivicykiy
Executive Producers Volodimir AndrіyukOksana Yanko-Kovalenko
Creative Producers Larisa MarcevaOlesya Pazenko
Line Producers Vladislav ZolotaryovOleksandr Mahun
Leading actors Andrіy FedіnchikDmitro SovaOleksandr PіskunovKaterina Varchenko
Supporting Actors Kostyantin DobrovolysykiyFedіr OlyhovsykiySerhіy KisіlyMihaylo KrishtalyAkhmed EsmurziievOlena ProvotarPavlo Kostіcin
Casting Managers Katerina Lizohub
Attorney Arthur Volkov successfully justifies the perpetrators for the generous reward. Everything changes after Arthur Pavlov's acquitted maniac kills his wife, and the lawyer decides to catch the maniac and stop a series of serious crimes.
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