Format TV series
Серій 20
Хронометраж 25 хвилин
TV channel ТЕТ
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre ComedyScience fiction
Production company Quarter 95 StudioDrayv Prodakshn
Directors Mihaylo Savіn
Screenwriter Petro ChivurіnDmitro Chivurіn
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Shevchyshyn
Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov
Sound Directors Serhіy Savchenko
Film editor Yevhen Pilipenko
Сostume designer Katerina Vіtvicyka
Makeup artists Іrina BelіnaMarta RodikAnna Kravchenko (III)
Casting director Anna Horodecyka
Producer Naum BarulyaSerhіy ShefіrVolodimir Zelensykiy
Executive Producers Anatolіy Chulkov
Creative Producers Andrіy Chuvirіn
Line Producers Yevhen Boblenyuk
Leading actors Vіktor RozoviyOleksandr StankevichDar'ya KobyakovaSerhіy BіbіlovRustem EmіrsalіievSvіtlana BarandichKristіna PonunaievaDmitro HolubievІllya Dermenghi
Supporting Actors Dar'ya PіculVladislav KuranDar'ya StarushenkoAlіna ArutyunyanAlіna TatarіnovaPavlo ArіstovІrina NakonechnaOleksіy ІvashkevichSerhіy LoktievІhor KochmarinMihaylo HanykulichAndrіy SorokіnYurіy KobighchaNatalіya Slav'yansykaVіktorіya DanyukDmitro NakonechniyAlіna KodacykaKaterina NechaievaAnton NadolysykiyV'yacheslav MosіychukVolodimir OvchinnіkovMihaylo UsOleksandr Baranov
In a secret scientific institution, which for many years was engaged in the development of technology and the latest developments in the field of astronautics, accidentally invented space superfuel in the form of a pill (one pill - the equivalent of a nuclear power plant), which is sufficient for the implementation of interplanetary flights. For this reason, a space exploration mission was organized as a matter of urgency, but with no specific purpose (they started because they were able to, and then began to think about the mission). Because superfuel was created spontaneously, time was lacking to build a new spacecraft, so it had to fly to what it was (with minimal improvements). The main purpose of the Zirconavts is to glorify Ukraine all over the world. The main psychological experiment of the mission was that, under the conditions of selection of participants, crew members should not be familiar or somehow related to each other (until the moment of launch). The team was assembled by surprise from six people, but it turned out that on board the ship there is a loving couple, which hides the whole crew from their relationship.
Before launching, the crew commander got into a traffic jam, his place was assigned a young and uncertain Deputy - Vitya, and the Zirconavtam had to fly five. The starship is equipped with a virtual assistant, in the form of a very beautiful girl Iona, to which the newly minted commander begins to feel true feelings. The main surprise for Ukrainian astronauts is the asleep on-board cleaner, who then becomes a full member of the crew. And this is by far not the only problem that the heroes of this story will face immediately after takeoff ...
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