1+1 At Home: March 8

100 minutes - Ukraine - 2014

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV movie

Category Full-length

Genre Comedy

Production company Quarter 95 Studio

Directors Dmitro Malkov

Screenwriter Mihaylo SavіnDmitro KozlovOleksandr BrahіnYurіy KostyukDmitro Hrihorenko

Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy Nazaruk

Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov

Composers Yurіy Hrom

Film editor Oleksandr AntonchenkoDmitro Malkov

Casting director Olyha Yakovlieva

Producer Volodimir ZelensykiySerhіy ShefіrBoris ShefіrAndrіy Yakovliev (II)

Executive Producers Іrina Pіkalova

Line Producers Oleksandr Boghkov

Leading actors Anna PolіschukІvan ShmakovOlena KravecyVolodimir ZelensykiyYevhen KoshoviyYurіy KoryavchenkovSerhіy KazanіnYurіy KrapovMikhail FatalovOlesia Zhurakivska

Supporting Actors Serhіy CvіlovsykiyOleksandr PіkalovRuslana PysankaVіktor AndrіienkoLyudmila BarbіrAndrіy DomansykiyMarina LeonchukYurіy HorbunovLіdіya TaranOlyha FreymutSolomіya VіtvіcykaRuslan SenіchkіnAnatolіy YacechkoGhan NovoselycevDmitro KomarovRuslan HanumakVictor ІvanicykiySerhіy KonyushokRoman VіrastyukVasily VіrastyukHeorhіy YarmolenkoYelyzaveta OliinykLyubov TimoshevsykaVіktor SamoylenkoAnatolіy RakshaOlyha KravchenkoKaterina MarchenkoIhor LazunkoVadim AkіmkіnІhor BuhalycevHennadіy YermolaievOleksandr ІvanovRoman NadibalyukPetro KravchukOleksіy HubrikVіtalіy ІvanchenkoVіktor DanilyukSerhіy DarіyKostyantin DanilyukKaterina OstrovsykaValentin RatushniyAvtandіl BeghіashvіlіRoman VishemіrsykiyGennadii OmelianiukDanilo ChernehaOleksandr AndrosovOleksіy PotapenkoNastya Kamensykih

Creation year 2014

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 08 march 2014

The continuation of a New Year musical 1+1 at Home. Two smart kids are staying without parents again, but this time they are left with a babysitter. Thieves from the first part escaped from prison and are trying to rob their house again. The kids have to fight them back again.

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