Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaMysticismMockumentary
Production company Mettely Vіnsent AlybertovichGrey Space Films
Distributor Grey Theatre Production
Directors Vinsent Mettel
Screenwriter Vinsent Mettel
Director of photography (DOP) Vinsent Mettel
Composers Vinsent Mettel
Film editor Vinsent Mettel
Operator Dar'ya YashnikSerhіy Krivenko
Producer Vinsent Mettel
Leading actors Dar'ya YashnikSerhіy KrivenkoLeyla KubanyVinsent MettelOlyha SolomahіnaOlena VoronovaIryna VasylchenkoMikita Mіtіn
Supporting Actors Olena BorkunovaOleh HerasimenkoSerhіy TereschenkoSofіya MarkіnaBohdana Pravdiva
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 11 september 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 11 september 2019
Budget ₴ 30 000
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 65 000
On the territory of modern Ukraine, there is a small cult. According to eyewitnesses, its adherents do not take any food and do not even drink water. Young blogger Karina, along with her partner-operator Pasha, goes in search of the cult's location. They should at all costs find out the truth about the disappearance of a girl wanted by a heartbroken father.
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