Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company Star MediaElemag Pictures GmbH
Directors Maksim Meheda
Screenwriter Marіya BekOlena Boyko
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Sahno
Production Designer Mikola Huzovsykiy
Composers Dmitro Shurov
Sound Directors Borys Peter
Film editor Irina Khranovskaya
Сostume designer Katerina Olіshevsyka
Makeup artists Volodimir Panchuk
Operator Andrіy Klimenko (II)
Casting director Valentina Kaystro
Producer Vladyslav RiashynYulіya ChernyavsykaOleh Scherbina
Leading actors Olena ShevchenkoOlyha VolkovaVasily Prokop'ievAnatolіy GhuravlyovOleksandr KraskoLilia RebrykOlga Riashyna
Supporting Actors Oleksіy PietuhovGlib MatsiboraVіktorіya KrukovaVіtalіna BіblіvPolіna HolovanovaOlena RudnovaІllya VyazmentіnovBorislav BorisenkoPetro LazarievValerіy AstahovO. AnfіnohenovaS. KaupaytіteOleksandr ShevchukM. HriculyakV. HuralysykiyRoman PopadykoLeonіd PopadykoK. Prokop’ievaMihaylo Homenko
The humble teacher at the Zoe Institute has a career novel. Her favorite is a young graduate student who "so needs her help writing her thesis." Zoe readily goes to meet him, not noticing the self-interest of the chosen man, and naively takes the jealous bride for her sister.
The deception will be unexpectedly quick and painfully painful. But at this very moment, Zoe is the one who really needs her ...
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