Format Anthology film
Production company Sevens Heven
Directors Dmitro Danchenko
Screenwriter Yuriy PostolVіktorіya Shevchuk
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy ZimovecyYevhen Kalіn
Casting director Vіktorіya Shevchuk
Producer Serhіy PalahutіnYuriy PostolVіra Shipіlova
Leading actors Olena TurbalOlga StorozhukVolodimir TereschukOleksandr KonradіyAlіna NahornaІhor SlobodskyiOleh TrepovsykiyTetyana Oleksenko-GhirkoHennadii ShevchukYaroslav HurevichTetyana ShelіhaOleksіy ZorіnMaryna YurchakOleksandr SlobodskyiVіktorіya Shevchuk
Five love stories in the most romantic place. Be it not an exotic island, but there you can find "everything you wanted to know about love." It is almost a fairy tale, but still a wreck, in which the characters seek answers to the question: what is the beginning of true feeling? How not to break the fragile lock of love? What ends the beautiful illusions? A strange, unique place of love battles will help you understand. What a storm of emotions it causes! Tears of frustration and scenes of passion. Provocation and search for your ideal. Mercy and anger….
The story of the first "Dating" about how a romantic young lady managed to find her ideal husband. What did she do to discourage him from studying Trypillian characters? And who introduced them.
The story of a friend "The Lot" – "a wonderful stranger" is sometimes dangerous. Everyone can fall victim to it. Especially if he's a romantic!
The third story "Ment and Homeless" is about the highest form of love. The homeless intellectual and the lyricist are competing in mercy.
The fourth story, "The Ghosts of Love", is about how a mum breaks off and starts a new life. And a fierce macho triggers a hunting instinct, and he goes in search of the ghost in red.
The fifth story "Marriage Announcement" – told about the capital truths: old love does not rust, you can see it when the hope is gone. Oh, how often we do not notice those around us!
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