Format TV movie
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Alіna Chebotaryova
Screenwriter Alla HusievaMarina Shihalieieva
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Sahno
Production Designer Pavlo Yarmusevych
Composers Vadim Borisenko
Sound Directors Mihaylo Petrenko (II)Vyacheslav Scherbak
Film editor Alіna Chebotaryova
Сostume designer Oleksandr DmitrіievAnghela Chernobay
Second Director Vіktorіya Nіkolaieva (II)
Operator Mihaylo Kretov
Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Anton MakarsykiyMarina Aleksandrova
Supporting Actors Oleh MaslennіkovRimma Ziubіna Vita SmachelyukKirilo BіnOleh SavkіnAlla MartinyukOksana HrebenyukMihaylo BondarenkoNіna AntonovaVіoletta TeslyaDenis DemchenkoOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaOleksandr ReshetnyakViacheslav VasyliukOlyha RadchukVіtalіna BіblіvTetyana ShelіhaAnatolіy ZіnovenkoYanina SokolovaVolodimir HladkiyKaterina KіstenySerhіy Bondarchuk (II)Іrina OlіynikVіtalіna BrahіdaYevhen BondarDmitro LoychenkoNіna Kastorf
Casting Managers Vadim Borisenko
Cute girl Elena lives in a small town, works as a doctor in a clinic. Elena's mother dreams of marrying a daughter and has even found a suitable party for her. Sergei Romanovich is not young, but he has a decent income and serious intentions. Helen's arguments against this marriage have and wants to hear. And then Helen shows her passport, and there is a stamp and the name of her husband – Anton Kirillov.
Meanwhile, Anton Kirillov, after graduating from MDIMV, is awaiting appointment to the diplomatic service abroad, which his father, a well-known politician, is seeking. And when the appointment is almost signed, the father learns that Anton is married! Anton saw her once in a flash and even remembers how this woman looked and where she lived. And the stamp in the passport is the result of his friend Stas's frantic adventure.
And here, in order to avoid trouble before the appointment, Anton goes in search of his fictitious wife, and Lena, at the urging of his mother, – in search of a man who must recognize her as his legal wife. She goes to Moscow and he goes to her town.
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