Brother for brother

Russia, Ukraine - 2010

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2010, series 24, ~45 minutes

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre DramaCrime

Production company Star Media

Directors Oleh LarіnOleh Turanskyi

Screenwriter Andrіy Tumarkіn

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Boyko (ІІ)Serhіy Ryabecy

Production Designer Oleksandr Danilenko

Composers Volodymyr Kripak

Sound Directors Dmitro Panteleymonov

Film editor Andrіy HulyanichSerhіy LevіnOleksіy ShkіndelyAndrіy Rudenko (II)

Сostume designer Veronіka Yacenko

Makeup artists Olyha Hnatkevich

Casting director Olena Halenko

Producer Oleksandr TerentyievVladyslav RiashynYuri Minzyanov

Executive Producers Tetyana Rakityansyka

Leading actors Yaroslav BoykoVolodimir SteklovKostyantin StrelynikovMaksim DrozdHanna KazyuchitsYehor KleymenovStanіslav BoklanMihaylo GhonіnAnatolіy ZіnovenkoOleksandr KobzarAndrіy GhurbaSergey Romanyuk

Supporting Actors Andrіy ChubchenkoDmitro PodnozovMihaylo PolosuhіnAndrіy FіnyahіnMaksim KonovalovPavlo TrubіnerDmitro HavrilovOleksandr TyutіnOleksіy SmolkaVladislav MamchurІhor PіsniyStanіslav BghezinsykiyDenis HranchakYaroslav HurevichYurіy DyakYevhen KaporіnOles KatsionBoris KnighenkoOlyha KohutMihaylo KrishtalyValerіy LehіnAndrіy PavlenkoІhor RodaDmytro SovaLeonіd TіtovAlex TritenkoZaza ChanturіyaValentyn ShestopalovDmitro SurghikovHrihorіy BokovenkoІhor HniezdіlovІvan HubanovYevhen YefremovTala KalatayKaterina KіstenySerhii KravetsDmitro ChernovІhor PetrusenkoVolodimir OsadchiyMihaylo KukuyukVіktor SchurVolodimir BashkirovLina BudnykYuliya VolchkovaAndrіy HulyanichOleksandr GhukovіnMaksim MaksimyukPetro MironovYurіy MolchanovsykiyArtem MyausMaksim NіkіtіnRuslan NіkonenkoOleksandr PecheritsyaYevhen PіdhorniyІhor PortyankoOleh PrimohenovValerіy PrusV'yacheslav SlankoSerhіy SolopayOlga StorozhukІhor TimoshenkoRoman ChupіsAndrіy SamіnіnOleksandr HalafutnіkOleksandr DanilychenkoKostyantin DanilyukOleh DrachSerhіy ZavalіyOleh ІvanicyaSerhіy StrelynikovKostyantin KosinsykiyOleksandr KrighanіvsykiyVasyl KukharskyiMikola LastovecykiyRoman LukianovІhor MelynikovAndrіy MostrenkoOleksіy NeghurkoHalina OpanasenkoLarissa RusnakAnna TambovaSergey ShlyahtyukІnna MіroshnichenkoVіtalіy ІvanchenkoOleksandr ІhnatushaVіktor SaraykіnDmitro OskіnHeorhii DrozdOleh SavkіnOlyha RadchukHanna SalіvanchukSerhіy SipliviyOlena TurbalHrihorіy MelіkbekyanValentin KasyyanOleh LarіnPavlo LevytskyiElydar MіrzoievValerіy SkovronsykiyV'yacheslav SolomkaMaksim KondratyukKhrystyna YaroshenkoKostyantin KorecykiyOlyha VasinyukYevhenіya HladіyViacheslav VasyliukHeorhіy PovolocykiyOleksandr BezsmertniyYurіy Yakovliev-SuhanovFedіr OlyhovsykiyValentina HamaykoBoris HeorhіievsykiyLyubov TimoshevsykaAnastasіya KarpenkoOleksandr OnufrіievPolіna VoynevichDenis TolyarenkoOleksandr ChmihalovSerhіy KorshikovSerhіy BulіnPavlo AldoshinEvgen RachokOleksіy KrilovRadislav PonomarenkoRoman ІghikYurіi TeteOleksandr Solovyov Jr.Volodimir StrokanyYurіy SisoievOleksandr Kucherenko (II)Іhor BershadsykiyDmitro MelenevsykiyYulіya ZarembaSerhii KucheraViacheslav StasenkoTetyana KrasnіkovaPavlo Vіner

Creation year 2010

Country RussiaUkraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 13 december 2010

Harlem is a real ghetto in one of the great Russian cities. They almost openly trade drugs and resell stolen goods. School teachers are scared of their students because they are able to kill for poor grades. Local law enforcement officers do not risk late appearing on its streets once again, and residents are so accustomed to the established rules of the game that it seems nothing and will never be able to make them look differently at what is happening around.


Harlem's life changes with the arrival of Igor Svetlov. After graduating from the Higher School of Police in Moscow, he worked in the "killer" department of the capital city police department, and now returned to his hometown to find his brother's murderer. Igor wants to restore order in Harlem. But he will have to confront not only bandits - colleagues and relatives will find themselves on the other side of the barricades. On the streets of the neighborhood begins the war for survival ...

Movie shots

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