Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Studіya «Zlahoda»
Directors Valerіy Roghko
Screenwriter Vіktor Veretennikov
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Chayka
Production Designer Anatoliy PidoprigoraEduard Hіzatullіn
Composers Oleh Shah
Producer Vіktor Veretennikov
Leading actors Oleh HuschinHanna HorshkovaNіl KropalovValerіy LehіnOlha Atanasova-LukianenkoOleksіy Smolka
Supporting Actors Nіna NіgheradzeAnghelіka VolysykaYevhen PaperniyTamara YacenkoPetro BenyukKaterina VelichkoYurіy YevsyukovOleksіy CurkanValentin KasyyanValerіy SkovronsykiyRadislav PonomarenkoRoman LukianovVіktor Veretennikov
Location manager Olesy Hrebenyuk
According to the novel by Viktor Veretennikov.
Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, the young guys were gathering buzagons and sent to Siberia to lay power lines. It is there that the main character named Sashko falls in love with Darin.
After finishing work Budzagin with Darina left the taiga, Sashko decided to stay to make money. After 20 years, he grew up and became rich, becoming an oligarch, called Alexander the Great, and returned home.
He falls in love with journalist Nadya, who wins the cards, and finances her television programs. The girl herself loves a young guy from a cameraman who works with her. The oligarch can do nothing to get Nadia to abandon her lover and decides to kill him. By design, the guy should die at the racetrack.
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