Format Film
Category Full-length documentary
Genre DocumentaryParable
Production company FOP Hrachova Nadіya Serhіivna
Distributor MMD UA
Directors Svitlana Lishchynska
Director of photography (DOP) Tetyana Dudnіk
Production Designer Anastasіya Lelyuk
Composers Oleksandr Burmytskyi
Sound Directors Serhіy Prokopenko
Producer Nadiia Hrachova
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 19 december 2019
Rental in Ukraine with 18 february 2021
Ballroom King is a documentary, devoted to the crucial importance of educational and cultural activity, conducted in the villages and settlements. The movie focuses on the problems of bullying in the most of the schools, too. Its slogan: Our victories could never happen without those who believed in us. This documentary is structured as a philosophical parable about the person's lifelong path. In our youth, we, with the support of our loved ones and teachers, acquire mastery, then we share it with people, and then we teach others, and finally, there is nothing left, and only the trampled shoes are our only belongings.
The film tells the stories of three protagonists, which are intertwined in one story about the Master: a rural school pupil who dreams of ballroom dancing – Makar, world champion in ballroom dancing – Alex Ivanets, and his first teacher – Petro Horhol, who lives in a small Ukrainian town of Poltava.
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