My mummy

Ukraine - 2012

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2014, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel СТБ

Rating 3.13%

Fraction 12.11%

Genre Melodrama

Production company UPS

Directors Alіna Chebotaryova

Screenwriter Olena Ghukova

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Bordenyuk

Production Designer Pavlo Yarmusevych

Composers Roman Dudchik

Sound Directors Mihaylo Petrenko (II)Vyacheslav Scherbak

Film editor Alіna Chebotaryova

Сostume designer Іnha Hruslova

Makeup artists Volodimir Panchuk

Second Director Anna Yerofeieva

Casting director Oksana Martynyuk (II)

Producer Іrina Zarya

Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs

Leading actors Hanna HorshkovaDmitry OrlovPetro KrasіlovKirilo RubcovMihaylo HіmіchevHanna PieskovaAda Rohovceva

Supporting Actors Sofіya ChernyavsykaKirilo HristenkoArtur DvoryanovDarina BocmanovaFedіr HurinecyVita SmachelyukAndrii DebrinYaroslav HurevichHeorhіy PovolocykiySaak DuryanMihaylo KukuyukOleksandr OnufrіievYevhen YefremovAlla MartinyukYana HluschenkoKaterina KіstenyVolodimir HladkiyDar'ya YehorkіnaOlena HantKaterina VarchenkoOksana MalashenkovaOlyha RadchukІhor HorbanyFіlіp KozlovAndreanna CarenkoVlad ZadnіprovsykiySerhіy LebakіnOleh HorbonosOleksandr SavenkovHanna SalіvanchukMarharita KalmikovaVolodimir FedorovAnatolіy ZіnovenkoYanina SokolovaAndrіy FedіnchikVolodimir MovchanNіna KastorfKsenіya NіkolaievaAndrіy ІsaienkoSvіtlana ShvedchenkoMikola TaranYevhen Plisko-KuprіnDmitro MalіnochkaYulіya ZіsmanAndrіy BondarchukTamara MorhunMarіya BondarenkoDmitro SurghikovAnna SirbuAntonіna BorisyukNatalіya Schotkіna

Creation year 2012

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Premiere in Ukraine 12 july 2014

Elena thought life was a fascinating fairy tale written by a good magician. A fairy tale where every beautiful woman is waiting for a beautiful prince. But the betrayal of a loved one destroyed her illusions.
"Endure – fall in love" – ​​as Elena repeated her prayer, living under one roof with a despot. But as flowers do not grow on stones, so love is unable to grow in a frightened and humiliated heart. When there was no more strength to endure, Elena ran away from the hated husband, but her heart remained with her little daughter, who loved her mother's fairy tales at night.
Beatitude, without money and documents, led the fate of Helen to the gates of the monastery. Instead of disappointment and pain came a stubborn desire to assert their rights to a child and women's happiness. But years passed before hopes and dreams became reality.

Movie shots

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