Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2019, series 40, ~26 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Season 2, рік 2020, series 16, ~26 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 4.11%
Fraction 10.89%
Genre Comedy
Production company IQ Production
Directors Felіks HerchіkovVіktor Medvedsykiy
Screenwriter Mykhailo RudKostyantin TrembovecykiyMaksym KonovalMaksym Voronkov
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy NazarukDmitro Fursov
Production Designer Anastasіya AntonyughenkoLyudmila SharaRoman KudrinSvitlana Kudrina
Sound Directors Serhіy Zakatnov
Film editor Nazim Kadri-Zade
Сostume designer Anna Timoschuk
Makeup artists Krіstіna Komarnicyka
Casting director Alina MarchukMasha Boklan
Producer Vіktor MedvedsykiySerhіy AtroschenkoOksana IvanyukOlena YeremieievaDarina GhukovaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)
Creative Producers Mykhailo Rud
Leading actors Dmitro SurghikovOlesya VlasovaValerіy ShvecyKsenіya VertinsykaLev SomovYevhen ShekeraPetro Ninovskyi
Supporting Actors Polіna VasilinaVіktorіya LevchenkoOlyha DoroschukTemіko ChichinadzeMyroslava FilipovychVіtalіy ІvanchenkoVolodymyr LiashevskyiDaryna TrehubovaMihaylo KrishtalyHlіb MihaylichenkoDanilo SіtayloDmitro HiryavecyOlyha RadchukLarisa MelynikOleksandr KomendantovAnghela DanilychenkoLeonіd ZaharchenkoMykola DanyliukOlena KostіkovaNіna HvedchenyaYurіy VutyanovAndriy PolischukKirill BorisovOleksandr ArtemenkoViktor VernerSvyatoslav GhmurkoRuslan KovalYulіya PershutaSerhіy PolyakovSerhіy HanzenkoYevhen BurhelaAndrіy RomanіyDmitro HarbuzDenis SadchenkoPavlo MaksimenkoVolodymyr ZakharchenkoVadim KucenokAlina ChekhOlga SobkoVladislav RibіcykiyTetyana YurіkovaArtem VilbikMaks MaksimyukTetyana RetіvovaOlena ShnipkoTetyana HapіchevaІhor PіsniyAnton ZiminVolodymyr DidenkoIhor LazunkoViktoriya IzyumskayaHіvі MerkvіladzeOleksandr BondarukDemian RadziviliukRuslan YaroshenkoTetyana VitsinaAnna HoryansykaOleh ІvanicyaVolodimir PopovOleksandr BodnarNatalia SmirnovaMihaylo KrulyNicolas KiyViacheslav VasyliukYuliya ZagornaVolodymyr MelnykMarіya OrelTetyana LavsykaOksana VoskanianValerіy PasіchnikArtem BochekOleh HolovkoSerhіy BulіnDmytro BіkmaievMihaylo RomanovDemchenko Olena Lyubov TimoshevsykaIren TkachenkoSergii DzialykІrina BondarenkoLіdіya DyachenkoOleksandr RudenkoTetyana BlaschukOlesia HolubMaryna KlodnitskaSerhii HutkoOleg Kovalenko
At the center of the plot are two Ukrainian families with different social status (the SidOrenkov family is very wealthy and SidorEnky lives modestly), but they are united not only by the same surname but also by the vicissitudes of the past. One day, it turns out that their 16-year-old sons were once mixed up in a maternity hospital ...
Season 2: SidorEnki-SidOrenki. Relationship repair
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