Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company Star MediaKiivtelefіlym
Directors Serhii Krutin
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo Markov
Production Designer Anastasіya Kononenko
Composers Yehor Olesov
Sound Directors Maksim ChubAndrіy Starikovsykiy
Film editor Viktor Onysko
Сostume designer Yana Skopelіdіs
Makeup artists Yana Skopelіdіs
Second Director Dmitro Abolmasov
Casting director Anna Dehusar
Producer Vladyslav RiashynYuri Minzyanov
Executive Producers Taras Havrilyak
Leading actors Olena YakovlievaYurіy StepanovYaroslav GhalnіnSvіtlana MalyukovaNatalіya ProsvietovaKostyantin MіlovanovVira Klymkovetska
Supporting Actors Nadіya KondratovsykaAnatolіy ZіnovenkoOleksandra PerepelicyaDenis HranchakArtem MartynishynYana HluschenkoIllia IvashchenkoVіoletta TrikovaSerhіy MalyuhaMaksym ZapisochniyOleh PrimohenovMarina AnіsovichVіktorіya AvdieienkoІhor PortyankoOleksandr KochnievInna BelikovaLina BudnykRіmma ShapovalovaDar'ya YehorkіnaHanna ArtemenkoTetyana MusіienkoMaksim Kuschov
And it's not about fishing. Karasi is a family that lives in the Russian millionaire city. Colonel Karas is a military man, his wife Larisa is a gynecologist, their daughter Veronica is a graduate student and an unlucky lover, and his son Andrew is a handsome and lovable man. The main conflict of the scenario is the need for Andrei's urgent marriage, otherwise the apartment that the colonel will have for his son is only one room. Andrew tries to fulfill the wishes of his parents, but all his former girlfriends – long-legged and beautiful – refuse to marry him. Then he meets Sonia – curvilinear and ugly. The girl is looking back at Andrew in love. And, strangely enough, in the script finale, he will have tender feelings. This is one of the story lines. And there is the Colonel's love for hunting, fishing and women. There is a dissatisfaction with Larisa with her family life – as a result, she is still going to go from husband to another man. And it is very difficult to understand why in this, at first glance, a fairly prosperous family, the Hamlet passions are really raging. Everything is tied into a tight knot, and it is not known if this tangle of emotions ever gets untangled.
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