Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Alіna Chebotaryova
Screenwriter Olena Ghukova
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Siedov
Production Designer Іnha Ghitnya
Composers Serhіy Mohilevsykiy
Sound Directors Artem FedorecyMihaylo Petrenko (II)
Film editor Oleh Dedohryuk
Сostume designer Olyha Koghina
Makeup artists Volodimir Kravchuk
Second Director Oleksii OsadchenkoKsenіya Schedrіna
Operator Mikola Malkov
Casting director Vіktorіya Righko
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Lyubava HreshnovaOleksandr UstyuhovAndrіy FіnyahіnVolodimir Nosik
Supporting Actors Nіna KastorfOleksіy SmolkaVіtalіna BіblіvKaterina KіstenyAndrii DebrinMihaylo GhonіnYurіy Yakovliev-SuhanovOksana MalashenkovaHeorhіy PovolocykiyOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaS. GhitnyaS. AleksenkoAntonіna BorisyukAnna BerezіnaSerhіy HlavchevAlla HrihorchukVladislav KukaloSerhіy ZaiecyAnatolіy Nemilostiviy
Creation year 2013
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 23 march 2014
Premiere in Ukraine 21 december 2013
Where do writers look for inspiration? Andriy Gradov believes that a quiet village with a fish lake far from civilization is just right for him. With one condition: if you do not have to save from this lake drowned. And what if the "mermaid" is beautiful, mysterious and remembers nothing? Are you cut off from the great world by the continuous torrential rain and the blurred roads? Andrew does not need to find a long answer. As a true writer, he transforms the rescued beauty into his muse.
But sooner or later, any vacation, like rain, ends. And it's time to go back to your own story, not your fiction. And part of this story is your past. And also the secrets of your muse's past. Can Andrew solve these mysteries? Will he now find a place for a mysterious plot? Will she find herself near him?
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