Format Film
Category Short documentary
Genre Documentary
Production company Lyuba Knorozok
Directors Oleksіy Radinsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Maks SavchenkoTomas RafaSerhіy Rozov Oleksandr Boiko
Film editor Oleksіy RadinsykiyLeszek Molski
Executive Producers Lyuba Knorozok
Integration is a documentary that follows the development of violent resistance during the protests at Maidan in Kyiv. The video focuses on the relations between violence and politics, and the performative dimension insurgency. This film looks at the margins of public manifestations of the protest movement to examine its uncanny underside. The narrative of the video starts at the celebration ceremony of Orthodox Christmas in early January 2014, follows through the violent conflicts in the streets of Kyiv in late January and February, and ends at a post-revolutionary Maidan that became the sign of a deeply traumatised and militarised society of Ukraine.
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