Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2013, series 80, ~24 minutes, TV channel СТС
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company Yellow, Black and WhiteIQ Production
Directors Rezo Hіhіneіshvіlі
Screenwriter Denis AlіstratovYurіy RusіnAndrіy TrubnіkovVіktor MedvedsykiySerhіy AtroschenkoVіtalіy ShlyappoOleksandr Havrilychuk Andrіy DerykovAndrіy Kanoyko Vasily ZemzyulіnOleksandr DanilovOleksіy MihnovichOleksіy TatarenkoVadim HolomakoMaksym KonovalІvan HrickevichYulіya HrickevichMikita Hluschenko
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo Dementyiev
Production Designer Hrihorіy PushkіnSvіtlana Kobrakova
Composers Dato Yevhenіdze
Producer V'yacheslav Muruhov Eduard ІloyanVіtalіy ShlyappoOleksіy TrocyukDenis GhalinsykiyRezo Hіhіneіshvіlі
Executive Producers Natalya Haribіna Semen Kapsh
Creative Producers Vіktor MedvedsykiySerhіy AtroschenkoMaksym Voronkov
Leading actors Hrant TohatyanHanna ArdovaAndrіy BurkovsykiyElen KasyyanikAlіna HrіnberhLuiza-Habrіela Brovіna
Karen Mohikian is nearly 50 years old. He is the last man in the proud family of the Mohikians. And not just because he has three daughters and is unlikely to be blessed with a male heir at his age. He also belongs to that fast disappearing kind of people who have never made a video phone call, for whom mail is something on paper and most importantly who do not give in to “this is how it’s done these days” or “come on, you’re living in the 21st century!” Younger viewers will recognise in him their parents, older ones might just see themselves.
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