Format TV series
Серій 40
Хронометраж 24 хвилин
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company Yellow, Black and WhiteIQ Production
Directors Oleksandr Bohdanenko
Screenwriter Roman HolіkMikola SimonіkMykhailo RudKostyantin TrembovecykiyIgor KalchevOleh ZborovskyiAndrіy KolmachevsykiyYevhen RibіnOleksandr DudnіchenkoArtem BalanyukRoman MіscheryakovOleksіy Vasilyiev (II)Maksym Voronkov
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Sahno
Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov
Composers Roman MyasnіkovІvan Kanaiev
Sound Directors Andrіy Kochniev
Film editor Oleksandr Yefimenko (II)Volodimir Skorodumov
Сostume designer Katerina Vіtvicyka
Makeup artists Krіstіna Komarnicyka
Casting director Masha Boklan
Producer Vіktor MedvedsykiySerhіy AtroschenkoMihaylo TkachenkoEduard ІloyanVіtalіy ShlyappoOleksіy TrocyukDenis Ghalіnsykiy
Executive Producers Oksana Ivanyuk
Creative Producers Roman Holіk
Leading actors Yana HluschenkoOlha HoldysTimur YeremeievZoryana MarchenkoOleksandr VedmensykiyKostyantin VoytenkoІnna PrihodykoNazar ZadnіprovsykiyNatalіya Hnіtіy
Moving, funny, unexpected and yet familiar to anyone stories from the life of six friends who are figuring out real love.
Nastya and Andrey have just recently moved in together and are starting to understand that strong relationship is built not only on love and romance but also on lots and lots of patience.
Anya and Pavel have gone through the initial getting-used-to-each-other-stage a while ago: they live together and have a baby but they don’t own a home and have to share with Anya’s dad’s who incidentally isn’t reconciled to his daughter’s choice of partner.
And speaking about choices – Olya and Dmitriy can’t figure out what’s theirs when they wake up in the same bed one morning. Are they in love or just friends with benefits?
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