Format Film
Category Short
Genre Cinemaepos
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Vasily Dombrovsykiy
Screenwriter Serhіy Trimbach
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy Kalіn
Production Designer Іhor Belyak
Composers Іvan Nebesniy
Sound Directors Natalіya Serha
Film editor Olyha Shmatko
Сostume designer Nadіya Kovalenko
Makeup artists Olyha Polіkashkіna
Leading actors Andrіy SamіnіnVіktor Samoylenko
Supporting Actors Petro BenyukOleksіy KurilkoOleh PrimohenovLesia SamaievaPetro PanchukB. ShilenkoValerіy ProvotorovDmitro NalivaychukOleksіy VertinsykiyHeorhіy PovolocykiyV. CiferovHalina ChernyakAndrіy BasaValerіy Stepanyan-GrigorenkoYana SobolevsykaYurіy MisenkovTaras GhirkoVladislav PolikashkinTetyana Oleksenko-GhirkoP. P’yatkіvsykiyOrest Kushnіryuk
Tell us about the first steps in cinema by world-famous Ukrainian film director Oleksandr Dovzhenko. The painting was created in the style of the twenties of the last century, the authors sought to convey the atmosphere and aesthetics of silent cinema: black-and-white film, lack of subtitles, expressive facial expressions of actors, voice-over piano music.
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