In and without union

15 minutes - Ukraine - 1993

Status Completed

No trailer

Format Film

Category Short documentary

Genre Scientific and cognitive

Production company Kiivnaukfіlym

Directors Oleksandr Frolov (II)

Screenwriter Іhor Ponomaryov

Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Frolov (II)

Creation year 1993

Country Ukraine

Language Ukrainian

Movie 30 from the movie Unknown Ukraine. Essays on our history.

The Creve Union in 1385. The top of the Polish crown. Introduction of Catholicism in Lithuania. The defeat of Svidrigail, the decline of the Grand Duchy of n. The Ukrainian lands recognize the power of the Lithuanian prince Sigismund. Casimir Jagelonchik. Preservation of autonomy, faith, original culture of Ukrainians of the Russian principality.

Movie shots

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