Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 2, рік 2016, series 16, ~26 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Comedy
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Semen Horov
Screenwriter Mikola KucikOleksіy PrihodykoYaroslav StenyBohdan HacilyakKostyantin Tuzov
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Huievsykiy
Production Designer Hanna Prisich
Sound Directors Oleksandr Barba
Film editor Vadim Іschenko
Сostume designer Oleksandra Kozely-Potatuieva
Casting director Oksana Stepchuk
Producer Oleksandr Tkachenko (III)Olena VasilyievaVіktorіya Liezіna-Maslyana
Executive Producers Stanіslav ZurahovArtem Stecenko
Creative Producers Mikola Kucik
Leading actors Іhor SkripkoYurіy HorbunovVolodimir HoryansykiyHalina BezrukІvan SharanVolodimir NіkolaienkoNatalіya KorecykaNazar ZadnіprovsykiyLilia RebrykOlyha Sumsyka
Supporting Actors Katerina OsadchaTamara YacenkoTetyana MіhіnaІvan ZalusykiyLiubomyr ValivotsAlla MartinyukOleh StalychukOstap HalavkoІrina ZadnіprovsykaOlena MamchurSerhіy PetykoMaria BruniRenat HabіbulіnDenis TarasovRaisa KonopelykoAndrіy KolesnikOleh PrimohenovMihaylo AuhustPavlo TupіkovValerіy AstahovHennadii PopenkoS. LuschikІhor PortyankoD. BahanovaOksana StepchukSergey VolyanovskyNatalia MurmancevaOlena HarbuzM. KarpukO. ArtemenkoVasily ShepelyO. RyabokonyMaria ValuievaMikola KucikMikola OlіynikRustem Emіrsalіiev
Russian millionaire Dmitry Petruk returns to his homeland and tries to bring his son Valerie back to Moscow, but the boy has plans. After all, in the Big Units, his lover, Xenia, who needs his attention. Ivan Petruk ponders how to get rid of Valerie, and he thinks of a crazy plan, embodying which everyone will be happy - both he and Valerie. Meanwhile, Ivan wrote a letter to his beloved Galina in Italy.
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