Format Film
Category Short animation
Genre AnimationTaleScreen adaptation
Production company Ukranіmafіlym
Directors Lyudmila Tkachikova
Screenwriter Lyudmila Tkachikova
Director of photography (DOP) Anatolіy Havrilov
Production Designer Henrіh Umansykiy
Composers Volodimir Bistryakov
Sound Directors Yurіy Nechesa
Film editor Yuna Srіbnicyka
Voice acting Bohdan Beniuk
Based on the story of Yuri Vinnychuk.
When the little slender little man Gopel returns home in red, he is terribly frightened because he sees a coffin in the yard of his home. His brother Piple tells the story of the Admiral Butterfly, who was just born. He was curious because for some reason he thought he was a one-day butterfly that he should die today. After the Butterfly returns in the evening, he becomes sad. He says he specifically flew to Peppley's to arrange a human funeral for him to bury as his family. Ashes organize a funeral: insects come with plates, prepare dishes, others dig a hole, carry a coffin. Suddenly Snail comes, congratulates Butterfly on his birthday and gives a present. When it's time to go to the coffin, Butterfly resists because he no longer wants to die. Together with Piple, he pulls a snail's gift and drops a book called "The Atlas of All Butterflies in the World," from which everyone learns that the Butterfly is named Admiral and that it will not die today. The Admiral will have time for great deeds and for learning about life.
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