Format TV series
Серій 4
Хронометраж 51 хвилин
TV channel Інтер
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Anatolіy Mateshko
Screenwriter Yaroslava Siehal
Director of photography (DOP) Artem Vasiliev (II)
Production Designer Tetyana Laptieva-Kondratova
Composers Ivan Ogloblin
Producer Іrina Zarya
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Yaroslav GhalnіnOlena Polyansyka Іvan MіhaylovsykiyVіra BahankovaTimofіy KarataievAnna Vasylieva
Three girls live in the seaside town: Lika Gordeeva – the first beauty of the city, Nastia Markova – the pride of the school and the gold medalist, and Zhenka Polishchuk -– the kid who dreams of long voyages. Zhenya is silently in love with Kohl – the son of a mathematics teacher and a faithful knight Nastia. But Kohl treats Zhenya as her younger sister. And Nastya does not reciprocate with Cole: for her he is only a childhood friend.
And for Lika, the affair with Victor, a wicked local biker, is interrupted by occasional earnings. However, she regards the novel as extremely cynical: to gain experience. The purpose of Medication is to escape to the capital. And here on summer vacation comes home Nastya with the bride. Maxim is her classmate, a charming open-minded guy from an intelligent family. Could Lika take this chance?
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