Gordian Knot

Ukraine - 2014

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Серій 4
Хронометраж 51 хвилин
TV channel Інтер

Rating 0%

Fraction 0%

Genre Melodrama

Production company UPS

Directors Anatolіy Mateshko

Screenwriter Yaroslava Siehal

Director of photography (DOP) Artem Vasiliev (II)

Production Designer Tetyana Laptieva-Kondratova

Composers Ivan Ogloblin

Producer Іrina Zarya

Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs

Leading actors Yaroslav GhalnіnOlena Polyansyka Іvan MіhaylovsykiyVіra BahankovaTimofіy KarataievAnna Vasylieva

Creation year 2014

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

Three girls live in the seaside town: Lika Gordeeva – the first beauty of the city, Nastia Markova – the pride of the school and the gold medalist, and Zhenka Polishchuk -– the kid who dreams of long voyages. Zhenya is silently in love with Kohl – the son of a mathematics teacher and a faithful knight Nastia. But Kohl treats Zhenya as her younger sister. And Nastya does not reciprocate with Cole: for her he is only a childhood friend.
And for Lika, the affair with Victor, a wicked local biker, is interrupted by occasional earnings. However, she regards the novel as extremely cynical: to gain experience. The purpose of Medication is to escape to the capital. And here on summer vacation comes home Nastya with the bride. Maxim is her classmate, a charming open-minded guy from an intelligent family. Could Lika take this chance?

Movie shots

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