Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2011, series 4, ~48 minutes, TV channel Інтер
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Production company Quarter 95 StudioSіnema Prodghekt Hrup
Directors Axtem Seitablaev
Screenwriter Mikola RibalkaVolodimir GhovnorukAxtem Seitablaev
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Huievsykiy
Production Designer Pіter Stayl
Composers Sol Shteyn
Sound Directors Serhіy Savchenko
Film editor Serhіy Klepach
Сostume designer Nadіya Kudryavceva
Makeup artists Volodimir Panchuk
Producer Andrіy Yakovliev (II)Volodimir ZelensykiySerhіy ShefіrBoris ShefіrMarina LopatyonokOleksandr Sosіs
Executive Producers Іvanna Dyadyura
Leading actors Oleksіy HorbunovOlena ShamovaDmitro PievcovOleksandr KobzarArina AsadchaAndrіy SamіnіnІvan DobronravovAndrіy KronhlevsykiyAnton VakhliovskyiStanіslav BoklanDmitro SurghikovOlyha Drozdova
Supporting Actors Venіamіn PriburaMakar TihomirovOleksandr SavenkovBohdan ZhelezniakOlha Atanasova-LukianenkoOlena TurbalHanna SalіvanchukSerhіy KalantayLarissa RusnakOleksіy NahrudniyDanilo PievcovSofіya StecenkoMihaylo DobrovolysykiyOleksіy SovaDanilo BіlodіdІllya BіlodіdLev DolubekovSofіya PіsymanNatalіya KorecykaVіtalіy NovakMihaylo KukuyukElymar AblaievBoris TalahStanіslav SuknenkoІrina MakOleh PrimohenovVladіslav TenenbaumOksana MalashenkovaVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyPolіna VoynevichKostyantin PustovalovVіktor KuklіnOleksandr Naumenko
Mikhalic - a former famous player of a famous football team, is not going through the best of times, trying to assemble a team for the World Cup for the homeless. It is driven not only by the love of sports, but rather by the need to break free from the "deadlock" into which life has driven him. And yet - an attempt to help the guys who are just outside. And when the Ukrainian flag is raised in the championship finals, these guys are unable to hold back the tears of joy not only for themselves but for their country. It doesn't matter if the country recognizes "its heroes" and what will happen to them later. The most important victory that changed their lives took place ...
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