Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 30, ~50 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 0%
Fraction 13.39%
Production company 1+1 media
Directors Serhіy UmanecySerhey TolkushkinІrina Litvinenko
Screenwriter Anastasіya AleksieievaOleksandra Mironova
Director of photography (DOP) Danіely LevіanMikola Kobzar
Film editor Vadim Іschenko
Producer Olyha SlіsarenkoVіktorіya Liezіna-MaslyanaOleksandr Tkachenko (III)
Executive Producers Roman LukіnKhrystyna Shkabar
Creative Producers Ksenіya Chorna
Leading actors Yanіna AndrieievaNikita VakuliukOlena KurtaYelizaveta VasilenkoOleksandr PetrenkoIryna KudashovaRoman LukianovAnatolіy TihomirovOleh VihovsykiyBohdan OsadchukKaterina ChernyavsykaAnna Trіncher
Supporting Actors Marina MelyyanovsykaFіlіp KozlovArno MukeMarіya PovhKostyantin ChornokrilyukValerіya YurchenkoValerіy KovalyViktoriya YurchuckTetyana VashnevsykaOlena LarіnaYurіy KosMarina OrelOlena RechichAlesya RomanovaSerhіy VlasenkoOleh UkolovVladislav KunіcinOlyha KosoborodovaNatalіya PotapovaMaksym KuzmenkoHanna BezmenovaSofіya HapіchevaVitalii NovikovTetiana Hraft
Successful businesswoman Katya finds out that her daughter tried to commit suicide. As it turned out, not the first time. To be closer to her daughter and understand what the kids really are doing at school, she goes to work as an economics teacher. The young mother did not even know what secrets hide behind the walls of the ordinary Ukrainian school. At the same time a new English teacher comes to the school – a former lawyer and a son of the principal – Alex. He has a fiancee who lives in the United States, but suddenly there is a spark between him and Katya. However, the skeletons of the past are still haunting them and they won't let our heroes go.
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