Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Star Media
Directors Oleksandr Budyonniy
Screenwriter Olena ZuievaOleksandr Budyonniy
Director of photography (DOP) Yurіy Dunay
Production Designer Maryna Pshenychnykova
Composers Volodymyr Kripak
Sound Directors Maksim Chub
Film editor Anna Hutі
Сostume designer Oleksandra Zaporoghchenko
Makeup artists Yulіya Ryaba
Second Director Danіl Sіkachinsykiy
Casting director Yulіya BloschukOlena Lyashko
Producer Artem DolleghalyVladyslav RiashynNatalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodYevhen Lyaschenko
Executive Producers Oleksandr Bezverhiy
Leading actors Anna KoshmalKlavdіya Drozd (Bunina)Oleksandr PashkovMihaylo HіmіchevVolodimir LіlіcykiyOleksandr DanilychenkoHanna SalіvanchukKsenіya MіshinaVladislav NіkіtyukAndrіy KronhlevsykiyKaterina KachanOleksіy Smolka
Supporting Actors Dіmіtrіy AlavіdzeMihaylo KukuyukStalina LahoshniakPetro NіkіtіnTala KalatayLyubov TimoshevsykaAnastasіya BashaAntonina MakarchukMarіya ZaniborschSergey DengaLіdіya SemesyukYevhen BondarsykiyFіlіp KozlovRoman SkobnіkovLarisa TroyanovsykaMihaylo AuhustLev PіchahchіYehor PcholkіnRoman Yakimchuk
Creation year 2018
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 12 may 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 30 december 2018
No one is closer and dearer to Lera than her younger sister, Natasha, whom she had been bringing up alone since she was 18 years old. In order for her sister never to want for anything, Lera even abandoned her dream of studying medicine.
The sisters have lived in perfect harmony until the day when the younger one decides to leave for the capital city in search of a better life, a decision which drives something of a wedge between them. It even comes later to a confrontation in the fight for the heart of the same man. But, fortunately, both have enough commonsense and sisterly love to avoid a complete break. Lera steps aside so that Natasha can be happy, and soon afterwards fortune rewards her with a new love.
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