
Ukraine - 2018

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2018, series 14, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 8.04%

Fraction 24.68%

Genre Melodrama

Production company Star Media

Directors Dmitro Matov

Screenwriter Olena CventuhІnna Svechenovsyka

Director of photography (DOP) Serhіy Boyko (ІІ)

Production Designer Anatoliy PidoprigoraSerhіy Brghestovsykiy

Composers Volodymyr KripakRuslan Dorohanich

Sound Directors Yehor Іrodov

Film editor Kostyantin Larchenko

Сostume designer Oksana KovtunOlyha Koghina

Makeup artists Vіktorіya Vereschak

Second Director Kostyantin Petrik

Operator Serhіy Mіschenko

Casting director Svіtlana Horoshkova

Producer Oleksіy TerentyievVladyslav RiashynNatalіya StribukVіktorіya KorohodYevhen Lyaschenko

Executive Producers Andrіy Bіlous (II)

Leading actors Marіya BaievaAnastasia IvanovaKaterina SemenovaOleksandr RobakAndrіy AverkovІhor SkripkoArtem PoznyakDanilo Mіreshkіn

Supporting Actors Kostyantin KorecykiyOlyha RadchukOleksіy Ahop'yanІhor PetrusenkoVolodymyr AbazopuloLarisa KadochnikovaDіana RozovlyanІnna MіroshnichenkoNatalіya KlenіnaSerhіy SipliviyVladislav PisarenkoValentin LobanovYevhen PashinTetyana AntonovaPavlo TekuchevPetro HіmіchArtur PіskovsykiyAkhmed EsmurziievOleh DrachSerhіy KorshikovMihaylo KukuyukLyudmila ZahorsykaІhor RodaYevhen Oliinyk (II)Volodimir StavicykiyAnna HulyaievaVіtalіy KudryavcevOleh MaslennіkovOlesya VlasovaOlyha HermanSergey DengaDenis RodnyansykiyHristina KiselyovaKarina KolomіiecyTetyana MedvedievaKostyantin ShaforenkoLev SomovІhor RubashkіnOlyha KulychicykaYevhen YefremovDmitro YefremovIryna BardakovaZaza ChanturіyaBorislav BorisenkoRuslan NіkonenkoOleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)Serhіy PetykoSerhіy KalantayGeorgy ZhukovMykola BondarVіktorіia Bіlan-RashchukOleksіy NahrudniyNatalіya YefremovaSerhіy MіlyaievVeronіka MarchenkoOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaAndrіy Bіlous (II)Yurіi TeteSerhіy PonomarenkoGlib MatsiboraVolodimir OsadchiyDіna Antonenko

Creation year 2018

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 04 june 2018

Premiere in Ukraine 15 may 2018

Saga about the lives of two young women, Rita and Vera, who became closest friends at a crucial historical moment of USSR’s collapse. The story covers twenty years of their life. Because of the love for the same man, Maksim, Rita and Vera turn from the best friends into deadly enemies, dangerous for each other. Bitterly envious of Rita, insidious Vera is dreaming to get her hands not only on Rita’s love, but also on her money and her life. At the same time, Rita wishes to start her life from scratch. And one day fate gives each of them a unique chance: to start their life anew. However, old grievances and sins do not allow Vera to forget about the past and stop hating her more successful and pure friend Rita.

Movie shots

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