Format TV series
Number of seasons 2
Season 1, рік 2018, series 4, ~50 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Season 2, рік 2020, series 8, ~45-46 minutes, TV channel 1+1
Rating 3.61%
Fraction 12.68%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Star Media
Directors Volodimir Harchenko-Kulіkovsykiy
Screenwriter Іren Rozdobudyko
Director of photography (DOP) Yevgeniy Adamenko
Production Designer Tetyana Laptieva-Kondratova
Producer Halina HrapkoVladyslav Riashyn
Leading actors Olyha ArntholycIryna KudashovaAlіsa LukshinaOleksіy ZubkovTetyana MіhіnaVіtalіy ІvanchenkoOlga Kiiashko
Until recently, everything was good in the Isayev family, however, peace was short-living unfortunately. Piotr's company is on the verge of bankruptcy and he conceals this from his wife. Vera comes to his rescue – she introduces him to the mayor of the city who is preparing a grandiose construction on the site of the boarding school where Masha once studied. Meanwhile, Masha meets her first love, Stanislav, Nastia’s father whom she had long considered dead.
Masha undertakes to help Zhukova, the director of the boarding school to repel the attack of the raiders, without knowing that her husband is part of it. Meanwhile, the wedding of Sasha and Nastia fails: the guy has unexpected problems, and he does not dare to confide to Nastia. Wandering around the city, she meets a street musician who turns out to be mayor’s son. It seems to Piotr that Masha has never been able to forget Stanislav. Vera is trying to take advantage of the crisis. The relationship between the characters become more and more tangled. The climax comes when the mayor realizes that his raiding plan is failing, so he decides to eliminate Piotr and Stanislav. In the face of near death, the heroes realize their mistakes; they know how to become happy if they can only escape.
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