Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 4, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company Star Media
Directors Maksim Meheda
Screenwriter Hanna Olyhovsyka
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Onoprіienko
Production Designer Vіktorіya Bіhunova
Composers Volodymyr Kripak
Sound Directors Oleksandr Celymer
Film editor Artem Suhariev (II)
Сostume designer Veronіka Yacenko
Makeup artists Victoria Cherepeynik
Second Director Tetyana Ulyko
Casting director Anna Dehusar
Producer Larisa GhuravsykaVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Іvan Toropov
Leading actors Katerina AstahovaMihaylo HavrilovOleksandr KobzarDenis MartinovVіktorіya LitvinenkoYefrosinіya MelynikArtem MyausDasha LeheidaSerhіy KalantayOleksandr Suvorov
Supporting Actors Anastasiya KasilovaSergey DengaІhor PetrusenkoLyudmila ZahorsykaNatalіya KlenіnaYevhen SіnchukovSerhіy OzіryaniyAnastasiia GyrenkovaOleksandr PerkovTamara AntropovaOleksandr ArtemenkoSergii DzialykOlena Zavhorodnya (Kolesnichenko)Oleksandr KatunіnValerіy LatkoOleksandr Mironov (II)Tamara MorozovaAnastasiia OleksandrukEvgen RachokMaksim RighevolOlena RemіzovaAlex SugakBohdan Triboy
Liza Kalinina’s life seemed straight and even, like a road traversing the dusty steppe – dull, grey and aimless. A childhood in an orphanage, then college, followed by an early marriage, motherhood and life with an alcoholic husband. However, things change one day when Lisa receives a letter from her mother telling her that she is the daughter of a wealthy businessman, Viktor Lozovsky. Viktor and his wife, Margarita accept Lisa and her young daughter into their family giving them love, care and every comfort imaginable. But their happy family life does not last long. The Lozovsky house is burgled, and the owners are murdered. Liza herself becomes the prime suspect in the crime...
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