Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company VTO «Odіssey»Odesa Film Studio
Directors Vadim Kostromenko
Screenwriter Dmitro Kostromenko
Director of photography (DOP) Mikola Іlychuk
Production Designer Oleksandr Denysiuk
Composers Vladislav Kladnicykiy
Sound Directors Kostyantin Kuprіyanov
Film editor Elyvіra Sierova
Сostume designer Tetyana Krapivna
Makeup artists Volodimir Talala
Leading actors Lyudmila ShevelyRuslan KahrumanovYurіy SarancevSerhіy ChonіshvіlіAlla BudnicykaOleksіy YasulovichІhor Volkov (III)Anatolіy ShvedersykiyNatalіya RoghkovaMarina SaharovaNatalіya ІpatovaOlena TorshinaHennadіy VoropaievNatalіya BatrakOleksandr KaluhіnHennadіy Yurov
Supporting Actors Oleksіy Ahop'yanA. ArtyuhіnaA. BondaryukM. HaynullіnV. HranovsykiyS. ZaharovV. KurіlykoІ. KulikovaV. LabunecyYu. MakarovO. MelynikOleksandr MorievV. OlyshansykiySerhіy PohoghinB. TeterіnT. UlanovaN. HaritonovAnna HarchevnіkovaS. AdamchukBohdan BaranovsykiyL. VolyfosykaV. HahkaievSerhii DudkoS. ZuienkoTamara KarpenyukDmitro KostromenkoF. LyubarsykiyІ. MіkkelysA. MіheievYu. OrlovsykiyYu. PovalyaievIrina TokarchukA. FіsherV. HlusevichM. CaryovN. Potapova
The movie version of "The Higher Truth of Bomber Alexei". According to the story of Leonid Andreev "Darkness".
In a hurry to escape from the police pursuit, a criminal named Alexey runs into the house of fornication. In it the character gets acquainted with Lyuba, a representative of the most ancient profession. The heroes are given only one night, for which they will have time to reveal each other, having lived the life of each of them.
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