Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company VAIT FILMSOdesa Film Studio
Distributor B&H Film Distribution Company
Directors Oleksandr Bielyak
Screenwriter Oleksandr Bielyak
Director of photography (DOP) Vadim Dusyman
Production Designer Krіstіna Frіmova
Composers Oleksandr Bielyak
Sound Directors Oleh Kulychicykiy
Film editor Oleksandr Bielyak
Сostume designer Vіktorіya Trushkіna
Makeup artists Vіktorіya Trushkіna
Producer Oleksandr BielyakAndrіy OsipovHanna DochevaKsenіya Koloda
Executive Producers Yulіya Bielyak
Leading actors Dmitro StupkaBohdan YusipchukStanіslav BoklanOleksandr SamusenkoHanna SalіvanchukPolіna LohunovaGhanna BerezovsykaYulіya BielyakAnastasіya YevdochenkoVlad YamaBoris BarsykiyOleksandr Bielyak
Supporting Actors Іllya KarpovAndrіy HlyustіnOleksandr MіroshnichenkoAndrіy ReznikArtem MuzichenkoKaterina SheremetOlyha BalovnievaBohdan ParshakovSvіtlana VovkMikita DzyadVіktorіya TrushkіnaDіdel LufutaVolodimir AlfyorovAnna MorhunovaMihaylo ІvanovDenis HotyanchukYevhen MerkulovSerhіy HіrsHeorhіy HoraPolіna DatchenkoHlіb SkorobohatovKateryna BielyakOleksandra PohorecykaAnastasіya NozdrachovaAndrіy RomanovVeronika TykhonovaOleksіy BalabanKiril KunicykiyAnastasіya SvietlіchnaAnastasіya ShevchenkoYan KonovalovMikola PanіnDіna OsipchukTimofіy ShepelyaIllia BieliakYurіy ІvanovKrіstіna FrіmovaSemen Tsevelov
Voice acting Volodimir KokotunovMayya VedernіkovaKrіstіna KiselyovaDmitro HavrilovMarіya NіkіtyukAndrіy AlyohіnHenrіh MalaschinsykiyMihaylo KrishtalyRoman SoloshenkoAndrіy SobolievOleh KulychicykiyMarina BulakovsykaV'yacheslav DudkoPavlo HolovRoman MolodiiKaterina Bashkіna
Creation year 2021
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 04 march 2021
Rental in Ukraine with 04 march 2021
Box office Ukraine (for all period) ₴ 4 182 579
Spectators in cinemas 41959
The plot of the film is based on the life story of the son of the Chief of Police, Vasyl Burundiak, a major who lives in America for daddy's money. But at one point, his life changes dramatically. On the President's urgent recommendation, all children of officials should remain studying and working in Ukraine. Vasily's father has to return his son to Ukraine and arrange for himself in the patrol department. Will you be able to transform yourself from a dead major into an exemplary Ukrainian policeman who is still thinking about not messing up his manicure by twisting the shutter of your standard weapons?
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