Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company VTO «Odіssey»
Directors Іhor Maksimchuk
Screenwriter Petro ІvanovMikola Іvanov (III)
Director of photography (DOP) Volodimir Kislіcin
Production Designer Vasily Zveriev (II)
Composers Anatolіy Bikanov
Sound Directors V'yacheslav Karasyov
Film editor Tamara Prokopenko
Сostume designer Ghanna Osipovich
Makeup artists Lyudmila Kubalysyka
Executive Producers Tamara Hmіadashvіlі
Leading actors Vіra HlaholievaOleksandr FіlіppenkoOleksandr SolovyovOleksandr Pankratov-ChorniyVіktor PavlovBoryslav BrondukovLyubov SokolovaTetyana HovorovaІhor Volkov (II)Valerіy HarkalіnSerhіy StepanchenkoValerіy NemeshaievOleksandr KodanievBoris ZaydenberhOleksіy VanіnOleksandr Parinchuk
Supporting Actors Sofіya BelysykaIrina TokarchukVіktor PlotnіkovІllya HіllerOlena AntonovaArtur KurilenkoS. BrisyukYu. FedorovSh. KobahіdzeMikola SemenovM. Mchedlіshvіlі
The heroine lost a man who accidentally fell victim to a mafia altercation. The search was unsuccessful, the investigation went to a deadlock. Then she buys a gun and looks for criminals herself.
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