Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Hrihorіy Kohan
Screenwriter Hrihorіy Shtony
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy Zimovecy
Production Designer Vasily Zaruba
Composers Oleh Kiva
Sound Directors Oleksandr Celymer
Film editor Larisa Ulicyka
Сostume designer Valentina Horlany
Makeup artists Nіna Odinovich
Leading actors Sergey RomanyukGeorgiy MorozyukAnastasіya BunіnaVolodimir TereschukSvіtlana PrusViktor StepanenkoOleksandr BistrushkіnOlena Chinka
Supporting Actors Mykola BoklanMikola RomanovOleh PrimohenovV'yacheslav DubіnіnІhor ChernicykiySerhіy MarchenkoBoris HeorhіievsykiyAndrіy BorisenkoAnatolіy ChumachenkoStanіslav BoklanOleksandr SіnіchenkoHeorhіy PovolocykiyNatalіya NaumІrina MelynikMarharita KoshelievaLarisa NedіnVadim PolіkarpovPetro PanchukІ. AdamіvM. AdamіvKostyantin ArtemenkoAnatolii BarchukBorislav BorisenkoL. VasyutenkoVsevolod HavrilovE. HreycHalina DovhozvyahaYurіy KovalenkoHrihorіy KohanІ. KochubeyD. KrivenkoOrest KushnіryukV. LevchukValerіy LehіnA. LimarenkoBoris Luk'yanovY. MartinyukNatalіya OsipenkoO. OsymakO. PavlіchukS. SvietnoyVіra SaranovaV. SerebryakovaOleksandr SlobodskyiZ. TokarsykaІ. ShatroviyІ. ShtonyM. ShtonyLeonіd YanovsykiyІhor HubіnMarіya ZakrishkaOleksandr OstroviyVіktor Tabachenko
About the tragic postwar years of the fratricidal war in Western Ukraine, where the UPA, led by Stepan Bandera, fought with the Bolsheviks. People die, love dies. There is no morality in war - they play "without rules" on the one hand and on the other ...
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