Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company Fіrma BuduscheieLіnhkomOdesa Film Studio
Directors Valerіy Fedosov
Screenwriter Іvan Davidov
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Karyuk
Production Designer Valentin Hіdulyanov
Composers Іhor KantyukovOleh Hazmanov
Sound Directors Tamaz Kvatashidze
Film editor Valentina Olіynik
Сostume designer Tetyana Pіddubna
Makeup artists Serhіy Maurіn
Producer Olyha Neverko
Executive Producers Elyvіra Potapenko
Leading actors Anna SamohіnaMikola DobrinіnRodіon HazmanovAlexander PeskovAnatolіy RavikovichSvіtlana TomaYevhen GharikovBoris ZaydenberhSerhіy HarmashOleksіy ZolotnicykiyOleksandra SvensykaІrina Bezrukova (Lіvanova)Nellі PetkovaYurіy RudchenkoHennadіy AndrіanovOleh ShkolynikNіna AvasapovaOleksandr BorovikovV'yacheslav KolehaievVolodimir SchukіnAnatolіy Paduka-Holot
Supporting Actors Oleksіy Ahop'yanD. MakarecykiyPetro UdіsІhor KorshunovMikola VelichkoA. NurmuhanbetovYurіy HurtoviyAndrіy ShabanovYevhen BuberVladislva MaslovValerіy AvdieievLyudmila FedonovaA. SіlakAnatolіy StecyukOleksandr MorievE. StronsykaYuhim TurecykiyІhor SerbіnKsenіya SulimaN. KarpovaOleksandr SkvorcovValerіya KuneckovaSerhіy MaurіnV. VoynolovichV. SafonovAndrіy Tanasyuk
On the fight of mafia structures for power in the state. The heroine saves the life of a stranger. At first, they are cautious about each other, and then the feeling grows into love. It helped them to survive and stay together.
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