Format TV movie
Category Full-length
Production company Star Media
Directors Alіna Chebotaryova
Screenwriter Іrina KashnicykaKsenіya Osadchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Kostyantin Tereshkov
Production Designer Vadim Shinkaryov
Composers Roman Surgha
Sound Directors Oleksandr Yelychev
Film editor Artem Suhariev (II)
Сostume designer Tamara Demchenko
Makeup artists Victoria Cherepeynik
Producer Larisa GhuravsykaVladyslav Riashyn
Executive Producers Іvan Toropov
Line Producers Olena Beshok
Leading actors Іrina TarannikTimofіy KarataievOleksandr DavidovVіktorіya LitvinenkoValerіya HulyaievaDmytro SovaOlyha RadchukІrina MelynikYevhenіy Lebedin
Supporting Actors Oleksandr YaremaVolodymyr ZakharenkovHalina KornieievaІhor PіsniyKristіna MinelynikNіna KastorfYaroslav BariloOleksіy SmorihіnAndrei SadovskiiOlena Cherevko
Masha is in love with her classmate Igor and dreams of marrying him. Only he does not hurry to lead the girl to marriage. In despair, Masha decides to fit the handsome groom – she applies to the RAGS for marriage to her first-best husband. Igor hopes to return his beloved, but it seems too late. Masha did not expect that the relationship, which began as a joke, will soon grow into true love. Fate smiles at Igor again when the hated rival suddenly disappears before the wedding. Now, it seems that nothing prevents Igor from starting a new life with Masha.
That might end the story if it weren't for the accidental snapshot of one unlucky photographer. In a few years bad photo card will turn the life of heroes.
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