Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2018, series 8, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 0%
Fraction 0%
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Oleksandr Іtihіlov
Screenwriter Olena ArbuzovaYevhen ArbuzovAnatolіy Trenіn
Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Polyvanyi-Bukhtiiarov
Production Designer Vіktor Doncov
Composers Roman Dudchik
Sound Directors V'yacheslav DobridenkoMihaylo Petrenko (II)Іhor YashinIhor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Volodimir Skiba
Сostume designer Kostyantin Kravecy
Makeup artists Vіktorіya Shevchuk (II)
Casting director Veronіka Solnceva
Producer Іrina ZaryaYevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Anton SokolovPavlo BarshakOlena ShilovaLeonіd HromovKsenіya NіkolaievaVіra Shpak
Supporting Actors Andrіy ІsaienkoDmitro HavrilovBoris HeorhіievsykiyPolіna VasilinaMihaylo GhonіnVіtalіy SalіyOlyha MateshkoOleksandr SokolovMykola BoklanOleksandr PecheritsyaPetro KrylovYurіy VisocykiyAndrіy FedіnchikDenis RodnyansykiySvіtlana ShtanykoTala KalataySerhіy KucherenkoMarіya TarasovaPolіna HromovaYelizaveta ZaycevaFedіr HurinecyІrina RoghdestvensykaOleksandr HavrilyukOleksandr KushnіrTimofіy ShevchenkoMikita ParhomenkoOleksandr HalafutnіkVolodimir HoncharovOlha MorozAndrіy MostrenkoAnastasiia GyrenkovaSerhіy MalyuhaVadym KononovRoman YasinovskyiOleksandr MelynikLarisa TroyanovsykaLyubov TimoshevsykaOlena Bondarieva-RiepіnaOleh PrimohenovBoris KnighenkoSerhіy PetykoViacheslav VasyliukAntonina MakarchukSergey VolyanovskyVladislav NіkіtyukPavlo AldoshinІhor PіsniyІhor KovalysykiyDanyil KamenskyiVeronіka Luk'yanchikovaOleh KomarovTetyana ІhnashkіnaLeonіd ZaharchenkoYevhen Oliinyk (II)Vitalii Novikov
Difficult times in the early 90's changed a lot in the Savchuk family. Twenty-year-old Sasha, the youngest son of Stepan and Mary, initially comes from the plant. The cooperative, in which he gets a job, finds himself involved in a number of thefts. The case is being investigated by Sasha's brother Paul. The relationship between the brothers is worse nowhere. And it is not a criminal activity of the cooperative - Sasha is not involved in the events. And the fact that the factory nurse Oksana, to whom Sasha has long and hopelessly fallen in love, turns out to be the bride of her older brother. At the same time, asthma is exacerbated in Mary. And the whole family, on the recommendation of a doctor, moves out of town. There, looking at the people who trade near the bus station, Sasha decides to create an orderly market.
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