Format Film
Category Full-length
Production company Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Sergii Masloboishchykov
Screenwriter Sergii Masloboishchykov
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan Verghbicykiy
Production Designer Yevhenіya Lisecyka
Composers Yuhim Hofman
Sound Directors Natalіya Dombruhova
Film editor Olena Lukashenko
Сostume designer Svіtlana Ulyko
Makeup artists Olyha Polіkashkіna
Leading actors Dmitro LalienkovAlla SerhiikoNіkon RomanchenkoDenis KarasyovNatalіya DolyaVadim SkuratіvsykiyAndrіy DementyievVіktor AndrіienkoІllya KlimenkoTamara PlashenkoOleksandr Krighanіvsykiy
Supporting Actors Vasily DubrovniyDmitro DubrovniyMihaylo MasloboyschikovMarіya KohanOleksandra KukavaOleksandr BezsmertniyO. BarsukovA. BondarenkoOlyha HrishinaO. GhivkovaOlena KamburovaYu. KozirH. KostilyovaM. MalenkovichIrina NovakTetyana NovokhatkoO. ProkopenkoSerhiy ProskurniaІ. RomanenkoO. OstroverhYurіy SamsonovHanna TkachN. HalpahchіMiroslava HoroshunYurіy YakushaAnastasiya Bukovska
Soundtrack Franz Schubert
One of the semantic meanings of the word wind is spirit. The film "The Noise of the Wind" is about an unusual anxiety that haunts the main characters, which they cannot explain, which causes them constant anxiety – an itch that annoys, but without which it’s impossible to live. The film is a reflection on the poem by I.V.Goethe "The Forest King" and the leader of the same name by F.Schubert.
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