Format TV series
Number of seasons 1
Season 1, рік 2019, series 4, ~46 minutes, TV channel Україна
Rating 8.25%
Fraction 22.98%
Genre Melodrama
Production company UPS
Directors Roman Barabash
Screenwriter Dmitro PіhurYurіy Ryabchenko
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksandr Klimenko (II)
Production Designer Tetyana Polevіk
Composers Roman Dudchik
Sound Directors Bohdan HubsykiyIhor Kazmirchuk
Film editor Vіktor Pohorielov
Сostume designer Alyona Shebanova
Makeup artists Lyubov Balakerieva
Second Director Tetyana Bashkatova
Operator Mikola Yavorsykiy
Casting director Іrina Sultanova
Producer Іrina ZaryaYevhen LyaschenkoNataliia StrybukVіktorіya Korohod
Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs
Leading actors Marina MitrofanovaArtem KarasiovPolіna VasilinaAndrіy FedіnchikOlyha SumsykaAnatolіy Koteniev
Supporting Actors Marіya TrepіkovaOleksandr HetmanskyiYevhen Oliinyk (II)Katerina HulyakovaVolodymyr AbazopuloOleksandr ArtemenkoTetyana BashkatovaOlesya VlasovaYaroslav HrankoMaksim DanyshinYurii KukharenkoІhor RodaFedіr OlyhovsykiyIhor RaievskyiV'yacheslav SolomkaZaza Chanturіya
Creation year 2019
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
World Premiere 18 october 2019
Premiere in Ukraine 17 march 2019
All her life, Sonya did the best she could for her husband and others. Trying endlessly to please, from a purposeful and dreamy girl, she turned into a "gray mouse", but did not become happy. On the head of Sonya "fall" some trouble: a man forbids to open his studio floristry, she is fired from work, all forget about her birthday. And once, having returned home earlier, she finds her husband in bed with another ...
Sonya, in distressed feelings, jumps into the car and rushes headlong, away from her problems. As a result, the girl gets into an accident and ends up in the hospital at death. Once on the verge of life and death, Sonya now decides to do only what she wants. Will she be able to recover and establish a personal life?
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