Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Comedy
Production company Shkola Lazarettі
Directors Oleksandr Shapіro
Screenwriter Oleksandr Shapіro
Director of photography (DOP) Pavlo Oleksіienko
Composers Yevhen Kekuh
Sound Directors Bob Sheviakov
Film editor Oleksandr Shapіro
Makeup artists Olena SidorenkoOleh Socykiy
Producer Serhіy Baranov (II)
Leading actors Oleksіy HorbunovVolodimir HoryansykiyVitaliy LinetskiyHeorhii DrozdKostyantin ShaforenkoYevhenіya HladіyAlla SerhiikoVolodimir YamnenkoAnton KomyahovYurіy NezdimenkoOleksandr RoytburdOlena SidorenkoYulіya LukashovaOleksandr PrischepaVіktor OhonykoArtem AleksіnOksana KamenchenkoKrіstіna NhuienAnastasіya DrozdІvan BezrodniyPavlo SolnechniyNatalіya GhischenkoSerhіy Baranov (II)
Creation year 2004
Country Ukraine
Language Russian
Premiere in Ukraine 24 december 2004
Rental in Ukraine with 24 december 2004
The Guide is 109 minutes of geography of Kiev, "parade" and "underground", spiced with black and white humor. These are eleven short stories that reveal all the sights of the Ukrainian capital and provide useful information about “city cuisine”. Urban trends, tastes, prices, priorities, routes, labor and real estate markets, past - present - future - all make for an entertaining and informative guide to the Travel Guide.
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