Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Melodrama
Production company MakDosІlyuzіon fіlymz
Directors Roman Balayan
Screenwriter Rustam ІbrahіmbekovRoman Balayan
Director of photography (DOP) Bohdan Verghbicykiy
Production Designer Serhіy Hotimsykiy
Composers Vadim Hrapachov
Sound Directors Natalіya Dombruhova
Film editor Olena Lukashenko
Сostume designer Lyudmila Serdіnova
Makeup artists Tetyana Tatarenko
Producer Volodimir Dostaly
Leading actors Andrіy KuzіchevOleksіy PanіnOlyha SutulovaІrina KupchenkoVolodimir HostyuhіnBohdan HighnyakOlyha HolicyaVadim VavchukNatalіya ZelenecykaVladislav RohochaV'yacheslav RohochaOlyha Kohut
Based on the story of Alexander Zhovny's Experiment.
The film takes place in a boarding school for the blind, deaf and dumb children located on the river bank. The teacher of the school Alexey falls in love with a young practitioner of Lika who came to study the development of intimate relationships in children. They are opening up this forbidden sphere to young residents of a dormitory, which is causing a storm that makes one forget about tranquility, manifesting characters and relationships that will never be the same again.
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