Sunny November

Ukraine - 2019

Status Completed

No trailer

Format TV series

Number of seasons 1

Season 1, рік 2019, series 16, ~45 minutes, TV channel Україна

Rating 8.48%

Fraction 24.58%

Genre Melodrama

Production company UPS

Directors Oleksandr Іtihіlov

Screenwriter Lana Kuybіna

Director of photography (DOP) Andrii Polyvanyi-Bukhtiiarov

Production Designer Vіktor Doncov

Composers Roman Dudchik

Sound Directors Oleksandr PerchevsykiyIhor Kazmirchuk

Film editor Volodymyr Kulikov

Сostume designer Alyona Shebanova

Makeup artists Vіktorіya Vereschak

Second Director Kristіna Ghuykova

Casting director Veronіka Solnceva

Producer Іrina ZaryaYevhen LyaschenkoVіktorіya KorohodNataliia Strybuk

Executive Producers Іrina Chemerіs

Leading actors Іrina HrishakKirilo DicevichDmitro BelyakіnMarina MitrofanovaAnna Hulyaieva

Supporting Actors Olena HohlatkіnaІrina MelynikSerhіy FrolovOlena YablochnaFedіr HurinecyDanilo MіreshkіnSergii DzialykOksana ArhanhelysykaOleksіy CherevatenkoAnastasіya ChepelyukPolina NosykhinaKaterina VishnevaOlha HermanVіktor SaraykіnІnna MіroshnichenkoDaryna TrehubovaDarina LobodaSerhіy SipliviyOleksіy NahrudniyKsenіya VertinsykaMiroslav PavlіchenkoArsen BosenkoAnna VasilyievaMaksim DanyshinOleksandr KraskoAndrіy MostrenkoPavlo AldoshinMihaylo ShamіhulovSerhіy DetyukAnastasiia GyrenkovaAndrіy YevseienkoAnna SirbuAnatolіy YaschenkoMarіya ZaniborschTetyana BashkatovaAnastasіya MokrecovaDіana DikaYevhen YefremovBoris HeorhіievsykiyAndrii KlymenkovYevhen ShekeraІhor RodaAndrіy TіtovDanіl ShevchenkoYehor KozlovOles KatsionKostyantin KorecykiySerhіy BulіnIryna BardakovaPetro BoykoSergey VolyanovskyTamara MorozovaOleksandr KryuchkovVadym KononovValentin KiselykovOleksandra PolyhuyOleksii PolishchukІvanna BghezіnsykaDar'ya RibakPolіna VasilinaV'yacheslav SolomkaOleksandr YaremaSerhіy PetykoDmitro Paleiev-BarmansykiyІrina BondarenkoOleksіy CurkanMarta LohachovaІrina RoghdestvensykaYehor PcholkіnHristina KiselyovaVolodimir HoncharenkoYevhen Oliinyk (II)

Creation year 2019

Country Ukraine

Language Russian

World Premiere 03 august 2020

Premiere in Ukraine 04 march 2019

The main characters of the picture – brother and sister Nina and Cyril Petrovsky of a well-to-do affluent family, dominated by love and understanding. Young people are very close, their relationships are filled with tenderness and humor. Cyril is the best student of the high school, he draws well, is popular among peers and especially among peers. Now there are not enough stars from the sky – she is a diligent student, kind, sweet, charming, but only.

In the eyes of the audience, the main character with a self-confident, passive and not very happy girl will turn into a strong acting personality, the energy of which unites and reconciles completely different people. Having gone through serious trials, having lost and regaining the love of her life, having overcome a terrible illness, Nina becomes a source of hope and light not only for her family and friends, but also for all those who need her help and support.

Movie shots

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