Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movie
Production company PRE prodakshn
Distributor Kіnoforum Ukraini
Directors Іvan Kravchishin
Screenwriter Іvan Kravchishin
Director of photography (DOP) Mihaylo Kretov
Composers Іhor StecyukRoman Hrinykіv
Sound Directors Олександр Осадчий (III)
Film editor Іvan Kravchishin
Сostume designer Natalіya Cibulyko
Makeup artists Olena Bohomolynikova
Producer Іvan Kravchishin
Leading actors Mikola OlіynikOleksіy VertinsykiyOleksіy BondarievІhor HavrilіvMaksim MaksimenkoLev SomovAntonіna MakarchukValentina ZimnyaHanna Yaremchuk
Supporting Actors Denis KіbardіnSerhіy StrelynikovTaras Kur'yanOleksandr MalishevVasily KuharsykiySerhіy VdovichenkoMikola HrischenkoВіталій Лазарєв (II)Yurіy PopovOleksandr BorovsykiyDmitro VolkovAnton Marlosykiy
Extreme athletes - the Old Man, the Racer, the Clown and the Hare - do not pay attention to anything but parachuting. They are preparing for the World Cup, and are raising money for it. They do not doubt that they will be the first, but the younger brother of the Old Man - the Hare, has decided to "borrow" from serious people an attractive diplomat. Inside were not money but an artifact belonging to a real psychopath. The main villain, Doc, kidnaps the guy and takes him to his estate.
Doc is a man from nowhere with the oligarch's manners and maniacal character. He is not worried about power and money, because they belong to him. Doc is most interested in his terrible hobby, which has already become a kind of religion. The hare is the next victim of his experiments, which must prove the validity of these beliefs. Only his old brother, to whom Doc offers mutually beneficial cooperation, can save the boy. The old man faced the dilemma of committing a crime for the sake of his brother or trying to save him by risking both Hare and himself and his friends. Meanwhile, friends - the Clown and the Racer - are experiencing completely different feelings, meeting in these dangerous moments their love.
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