Format Film
Category Short
Genre Drama
Production company Film Toaster ProductionArthaus TrafіkCoffeePost Studio
Distributor Arthaus Trafіk
Directors Vіra Yakovenko
Screenwriter Vіra Yakovenko
Director of photography (DOP) Ivan Tymchenko
Composers Danilo Yudelevich
Sound Directors Mikola StrіlecykiyOleh Chakov
Film editor Vіra YakovenkoMikola Barabanschikov
Makeup artists Larisa Lavrinenko
Producer Yana SemernyaVolodymyr TykhyyОлена Єгорова (II)Olena SlaboshpicykaAndrіy MatrosovVіtalіy Sheremetyiev
Leading actors Petro PanchukOleksandra SmіlyansykaKristina SyntlnykOlena KovalyovaIvan SautkinAnastasіya Dobrinіna
Creation year 2010
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 23 september 2010
Rental in Ukraine with 23 september 2010
The taxi driver picks up three girls: two of them get out of the car, and the third leaves ...
The film is part of an almanac of Ukrainian short films Mudaki. Arabesque.
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