Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaHistoricalBiographical
Production company Hanzafіlym
Directors Іhor VisnevsykiyVіtalіy Malahov
Screenwriter Taras BorovokDmytro Naumov
Director of photography (DOP) Andrіy Mironyuk (II)Tetyana Dudnіk
Production Designer Marіya Kobilecyka
Composers Oleksandr Soshalysykiy
Sound Directors Yurіy PlavkoAlyona SmikovaYevhen PrykashchykovFarіd MbaydіnVolodimir Tretyakov
Film editor Yurіy Chashkovsykiy
Сostume designer Darina Kochnieva
Makeup artists Olyha Ahtarnіya
Second Director Anna Morozova
Casting director Olena Artomova
Producer Dmitro KravchenkoArtem Denisov
Creative Producers Bata Nedich
Leading actors V'yacheslav DovghenkoNadiia LevchenkoAxtem SeitablaevYana KovernikIryna Kudashova Maksym DonetsRoman KulishAndrіy FedіnchikLіlіya Yusykevich
Supporting Actors Vsevolod ShekіtaPavlo ShpehunOrest HardaAlybіna SotnikovaTetyana SamoylenkoYanush YuhnicykiyOleg VoloschenkoYuriy Khvostenko Timur TihonovAndrіy NovichenkoDmitro KorshakOleksii VototnikovSerhіy AnіpchenkoArtemiy VovkAkhmed EsmurziievRuslan Ulitin
Creation year 2020
Country Ukraine
Language Ukrainian
Premiere in Ukraine 11 september 2021
Rental in Ukraine with 08 february 2024
Budget ₴ 30 000 000
June 1941, in the estate of Franks in Lviv – unexpected guest. This is an old friend of Peter Frank – Andrey Grischuk. Side by side - through the most tumultuous years and events. They stood together at the origins of the Scout organization Plast, they fought for the love of one woman, two military pilots, they escaped from a burning plane, were taken out of captivity, and in Soviet Kharkiv children were not killed by Famine. Now the world is on fire in the Second World. Who and what role does history play? A story of friendship, rivalry and love.
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