Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre DramaWarHistorical
Production company Olesy-fіlymKіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra DovghenkaUkrainsykiy konhresoviy komіtet Ameriki
Directors Olesy Yanchuk
Screenwriter Vasily Portyak
Director of photography (DOP) Oleksіy ZolotaryovVіtalіy Zimovecy
Production Designer Oleksandr Sheremet
Composers Volodymyr Hronsky
Sound Directors Bohdan MіhnevichNatalіya Dombruhova
Film editor Natalіya Akayomova
Сostume designer Nadіya Kovalenko
Makeup artists Vasily HarkaviyLarisa Sapanovich
Producer Roksolana Kasandra Stoiko-Lozynska
Leading actors Hrihorіy HladіyVіktorіya MalektorovichSergey RomanyukValerіy HalicykiyVolodimir HoryansykiyVіktor StepanovOrest OhorodnikYaroslav MukaGeorgiy MorozyukOleksіy VertinsykiyVolodimir ZozulyaSvіtlana VatamanyukDmitro MirhorodsykiyIrma VitovskaOlyha KohutStanіslav BoklanVasily PortyakІvan SoldakІvan KadubecyStanislav MalhanovAnatolii BarchukVolodimir AbazopuloOleksandr BistrushkіnVolodymyr PantelyukBoris HaritonovAndrіy BasaMikola ZapіsochniyOleksandr HerelesOleh PrimohenovYurii PotapenkoVіya KalyvaBoris HeorhіievsykiyZenon KovalyDenis BabinsykiyDmitro LucіvVіktorіya Yanchuk
Supporting Actors V. BorischakPetro BenyukH. SiskovaP. PitlyovaniyValerіy NakonechniyOleksandr ParkhomenkoDmitro NalivaychukOleksandr KatunіnValerіy PanarіnІhor VolkovYosyp NaidukVolodimir DemidenkoM. BubenSerhіy LihovidV. NovosyolovV. RodyRoman ІvanicykiyO. ІvanicykaB. HdichinsykiyM. HrinchakO. KovalenkoTetyana NovokhatkoS. BondarukV. LazarchukA. YushkoVolodymyr HolosniakTamara FelydsherovaO. PronchenkoOleksandr PolutіnMarharita VasilishinM. KrivoruchkoMykola KozlenkoLarisa SapanovichNatalia BaidakV. HoholyLeonіd PerervaV. ZavіysykiyІhor BіlyakVіktor LіschinsykiyOleksandr ShimansykiyP. VoytovichO. HricanPetro MatіyashekOlesy YanchukMihaylo Shaievich
Creation year 2000
Country UkraineUnited States
Language UkrainianRussianPolishGerman
World Premiere 11 march 2001
Budget ₴ 2 000 000
1950. At the end of World War II, there is an unequal struggle on the territory of Western Ukraine on two fronts: first against the German troops and sabotage units of the NKVD USSR, and then – alone in February, with all the punitive power of the USSR. In the Carpathians, armed struggle and small-scale fighting of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army continue. At the head of the army is a talented commander, the renowned general-hohorn Roman Shukhevych, known among the UPA soldiers as Taras Chuprinka.
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