Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Biographical
Production company Ukrkіnohronіka
Directors Volodimir Artemenko
Screenwriter Vіra Melynik
Director of photography (DOP) Vіtalіy Zimovecy
Production Designer Roman Adamovych
Composers Volodimir Huba
Sound Directors Vіktor Lukash
Film editor Natalіya Lebeda
Сostume designer Lyudmila NahornaІrina Palamarchuk
Makeup artists Lіdіya BoykoOlena Fedorova
Leading actors Vasily BashaІnna KapіnosІrina MelynikVolodimir NіkolaienkoHalina KornieievaVeronіka KovalychukNatalіya ArtemenkoVolodimir KostyukOleksii KolesnykDmitro MahnichVolodimir NecheporenkoTamara YacenkoMykola BoklanVolodimir ZadnіprovsykiyOleksandr BondarenkoSerhіy ArtemenkoSvіtlana Knyazieva
Supporting Actors Anatolii BarchukLyubov BohdanMykola BondarchukVolodimir HubaVolodimir DobrinіnVolodymyr GdanskyVasily ІllyashenkoValentina ІllyashenkoVictor ІvanicykiyІhor MamayVіktor MaliyDmitro NalivaychukValerіy NakonechniyOleksandr NazarenkoSerhiy PankratyievYurіy RudchenkoOleh StalychukO. SudieykіnOleksandr TarelkoVyacheslav ChizhikM. Chernіchenko
The story of the difficult fate of an extraordinary actor and some facts from the biography of the famous Ukrainian comedian Mykola Yakovchenko, who became the prototype of the main character of the film.
Mikhail Kolobok, a folk artist who has lost his landmarks, became addicted to the green snake, began to lose his family, his job, his sense of life. And it is only through a strong sense of love that the protagonist changes and a completely different life begins for him.
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