Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Іmpeks hrupaKіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Anatolіy Іvanov
Screenwriter Serhіy ValyaievAnatolіy Іvanov
Director of photography (DOP) Vasily Borodіn
Production Designer Vasily Zaruba
Composers Vadim Hrapachov
Sound Directors Volodimir Sulіmov
Film editor Lyudmila Yasіnsyka
Сostume designer Svіtlana Ulyko
Makeup artists Olyha Polіkashkіna
Creative Producers Volodimir Knyaziev
Leading actors Volodimir LitvinovMykola BoklanTetyana Kosach-BrindіnaOleksandr MartinovOleksandr PotapovMikola ProkopovichSerhіy FіlіmonovOleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)
Supporting Actors Yurіy SobolievYurіy KrіtenkoVolodimir KostyukOleksandr ChernyavsykiyHennadіy KrisykoAlexander ParkhomenkoOleksandr LohіnovOleksandr BelіnaLіdіya KonstantinovaLeonіd KrastE. HreycYurіy MisenkovOleksіy HorbunovSerhіy OnіkіienkoMykola DosenkoOleksandr KostilevSerhіy SіbelyValentin YaremenkoVіktor Saraykіn
Former KGB officer Pavlo Selikhov returns home to pay debts after six years in prison for defamation of "his own". Party bosses who have access to the archives suicide mysteriously. Selikhov is well acquainted with the scheme according to which all who had to do with the CPSU's gold were "cleaned". His lover, the daughter of a high-ranking military man who recently "accidentally" threw himself out of the window, also falls into this meat grinder. On her death, the girl begins to help Paul ...
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