Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Action movie
Production company Star Image ProductionHot Jam Records
Directors Serhіy Hoholiev
Screenwriter Serhіy HoholievOleksіy BichkovAndrіy ZyuzyOleksіy Komarovsykiy
Director of photography (DOP) Yevhen SolopSerhіy Hoholiev
Production Designer Serhіy Hoholiev
Composers Pavlo Balmatov
Sound Directors Pavlo BalmatovAndrіy ZavhorodnіyAndrіy Selіvanov
Film editor Serhіy HoholievYevhen SolopOleksіy Bichkov
Сostume designer Natalіya SafonovaOlena Kornіlova
Producer Oleksandr Smіrnih
Executive Producers Andrіy Zyuzy
Creative Producers Serhіy Hoholiev
Leading actors Oleksandr SmіrnihVladislav BondaryTaras RubashkіnOleksіy BichkovVolodimir MakarovOleksіy KravchukArtem SoloveyAndrіy BurimAnar FatullaievІhor HasparyanSamuel «Slim Phaze» OgbonnaInnocent AgumouhSunny BiaghereLeonarg OrjiSerhіy ZlobіnKirilo HolovchenkoSerhіy BondarenkoRuslan SadihovMarek AbramyanKsenіya BaymutAnatolіy TaranenkoSerhіy SafoHella ChaykovsykaYaroslav KvyatkovsykiyKostyantin NechaievSerhіy SalіvonІhor UtyahanovSerhіy LihonosovNatalіya KoschіyVolodimir SuhodіmcevNellі NechaievaDmitro VerbaVіtalіy DehtyaryovV'yacheslav VahanyanNіhad HanіzadeAnton BushlyaSі ChenAnna BondaryLetom Emmanuel NwateLіlіya DashukV'yacheslav MalіnіnVolodymyr SaikoOleksandr BabenkoAnatolіy OrlenkoStanіslav OsichnyukSerhіy ChaliyPavlo KruhliySerhіy Stepanenko (II)Yurіy Kulykіn
Supporting Actors V'yacheslav DraghannіkovDmitro SoldatkoMarina LitvinecyAnastasіya P'yaterikovaMihaylo TimoschenkovOleksandr HalushkaValerіy Bas
A well-known jeweler in the city made an unusual key for his son in the form of beautiful gold jewelry. With this key, he always locks in something in his deposit safe of the bank something very valuable for him. Fate is unpredictable, so the jeweler dies, his son Sashko goes to prison. With easy submission, Sasha's two unhappy friends, Stas and Bonya, hit 100 pounds of gold. So when Sashko goes free, instead of looking for his father's murderer and having his key stolen, he has to solve his debt problems. However, this is becoming increasingly unrealistic: the key and gold races include the mayor of the city and a couple of strange criminal groups. Owning the key to success does not mean success itself.
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