Format Film
Category Full-length
Genre Drama
Production company Kіnostudіya «Slavutich»NVO «Skіf»Kіnostudіya іmenі Oleksandra Dovghenka
Directors Mikola Lіtus
Screenwriter Mikola ІlyinsykiyAnatolіy Veber
Director of photography (DOP) Mikola Ghuravlyov
Production Designer Anatolіy Mamontov
Composers Volodimir Bistryakov
Sound Directors Yurіy Vinarsykiy
Film editor Lyudmila Ulicyka
Сostume designer Nadіya Kovalenko
Makeup artists Olena Panchenko
Leading actors Іrina AlfyorovaSerhіy MartinovArnіs LіcitіsAnatolіy KotenievLev DurovOleksandr MartinovHeorhii DrozdYanіs ZarinyshMikola RadchenkoСергій Радченко (II)Yurіy MuravicykiyAnatolii BarchukH. NevohMikola Lіtus
Supporting Actors Volodimir AbazopuloOleksandr Hryhoriev (Aheienkov)Tetyana AntonovaYe. BalenkoYurіy VinarsykiyS. VinichukM. VolysykiyMikola HudzyA. DashenkoSerhіy DvorecykiyMikola GhuravlyovLyudmila ZverhovsykaOlyha KarpenkoІrina KіhtievaAnton KovalenkoN. MalіchenkoYurіy MarchakOleksandr MіshinMikola NatalushkoSergey NatalushkoAlexander ParkhomenkoVіktor PetrovNіna ReusOlena Kramer (Spiridonova)N. SorochanN. SpiridonovO. SteshenkoPetro FіlonenkoV. HomicykiyVasily CibenkoІhor ShkurіnS. Yakimovsykiy
Based on Sydney Sheldon's story "Don Winton".
The accidental clash of psychoanalyst Jada Stevens with the Mafioso DeMarco entails a whole chain of events. DeMarco's wife goes to the Stevens Clinic, but he cannot understand from a vague hint what her problems are. And the four murders that terrified the city with its cruelty and lack of visible motives can be associated with anything…
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