The festival keeps young talents at bay, whose hands and heads are not afraid of cameras, snapshots and sleepless nights in editing rooms. The focus of the festival is short meters and modern technological trends. The mission is to create an open space for the development of Ukrainian cinema that will be accessible to everyone. To form a new generation of people who love quality cinema and understand it. 2016 Where the Cinema. Episode 1 ”gathered more than 7,000 guests on the slopes of Ukrainian Troevud - FILM.UA Film Studios. For the second time, the festival will take place on September 22 and 23, and during two festival days, on three huge screens, in light relaxed atmosphere, one by one the frames of contemporary Ukrainian cinema will sweep. All events within the festival are free of charge. Organizers of the 1 + 1 Media Festival and the FILM.UA Group. Be where the movie is!